Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Manga 'Youkai Apato no Yuuga na Nichijou'

 Inaba Yuushi's parents died in his first year of middle school, and he moved in with his relatives. Though they did care for him, he could tell he was a burden. After he graduated, he happily prepared to move to a high school with a dormitory. Unfortunately, the dormitory burned to the ground before he could move in! Yuushi doesn't want to live with his grudging relatives, but it's rough finding lodging as an orphaned student with little money. He finally finds a room in a nice old building which seems too good to be true.The catch is that it is a Monster House, a place where humans and supernatural creatures--ghosts, mononoke, etc.-- live together. Another high schooler lives there, a cute girl named Akine, and she's completely unfazed by the monsters. In fact, she can even exorcise evil spirits! Yuushi's high school life just got much stranger than he ever bargained for! 

Newest Release : Book 4
 稻叶夕士,条东商校一年级新生。人类,升入寄宿制高中的我,终于可以摆脱一直以来寄人篱下的悲惨生活了!与大亲友依依惜别之后回到家,却听到噩耗——学校 宿舍被大火烧毁了!!!天无绝人之路,在莫名出现的房屋中介的帮助下,我幸运地住进了一栋租金便宜但失修已久的破旧公寓——“寿庄”。奇妙的生活就此展 开……长得像颗特大号的蛋、穿白色和服的那个,是寿庄的房东先生。忘记身为女人,经常会呈“裸奔”状态的,是性感的美... 

Another Manga I want to share with... is this Manga. Yeah~~~ =.=   I know another late intro... But I still want to be wagamama hehehehe..... This manga not only about the monster or spirit but it's also teach us some lesson in reality in life that can apply.... At one of this chapter they talk about communication between human. As our society keep changing and our life more and more high-tech teenage now more high-tech than i used to be a teenage..... ohh.... I realize I'm getting old.... What I want to say is the teenage nowday got less and less communication with other people surrounding them... even at the restaurant you could see the parent..the children busy with their own handphone devices... no more talking between family... how sad is that..... I not saying that this changing totally on bad side.... but it's just people keep loosing interest in talking.... well I think talking with your family or friends is more interest.... hehehehehe that''s why i just love this manga where you will realize what is exactly happening in this changing society.... mah.... it's just my opinion ne~~~~ have fun with this manga.....hohohohoho.....


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